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Stock culture maintenance, microbiology, quality control organisms, storage, subculture, bacterial, fungal, reference strains, Culti-Loops. PDF | Responses of two bacteria isolated from the contamination of laboratory stock culture of phenol degrading bacteria against the stresses induced by. Effective maintenance of stock cultures is essential for QC, method validation and research purposes · Reference strains for quality control of culture media andculture tube. Touch the loop to the top of the slant to cool it. Pick up a small quantity of bacteria, yeast, or fungal spores from the stock culture tube has published a guideline for Quality Control (QC) stock culture maintenance to ensure consistent antimicrobial susceptibility test results. 1.2 References. reference culture to meet your needs. Preserving Stock Cultures. A popular method for preserving microorganisms is through lyophilization, or freeze drying. x Preparation of microbial cultures as stock culture for future investigations and inoculum for the current investigation. x Inoculation of the media with the
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